Monday, December 27, 2010

, Дзе наведвальнікі і адкуль.

These are the old tracking stats for where the readers come from.
United States 242

Canada 16

China 4

Denmark 1

France 1

United Kingdom 1

Japan 1

Sweden 1

Slovenia 1

Вясёлага Раства і шчаслівага новага года.

Вясёлага Раства і шчаслівага новага года. Як вы ведаеце, калі W гарачыя мы размаўляць па-іспанску, і калі холадна мы гаворым беларускай мове.

Which beeblog reader can identify the language that the bees speak when they are cold. We have about four inches of snow, thus the bees are tightly clustered inside the hive and not flying.

Winter is a slow time for the beekeeper nothing to do but wish for mild days - prior to becoming a beekeeper I always wanted harsh winters. I like winter and dislike hot humid days.

The two hints for the language are it is neither Spainish, or Russian. The main reason for posting today is I am trying to add a new visitor tracker to the blog.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Bees will be Happy in a few months

Assuming I get over this nasty cold that has me suffering, I will plant numerous treats for the bees this weekend. My annual tulip shipment will arrive today. I really like tulips and have ordered 400 bulbs. I order the bulbs from Color Blends in Holland and always have them chilled until early December. Tulip bulbs need about 15 weeks of cool weather to produce a large flower, thus pre chilling the bulb helps in mild climates such as Charlotte.

If your curious this year I am planting Roi du Midi bulbs.