Thursday, June 30, 2011

El Oso blanco que viene para la miel

I have been trying to spend at least twenty minutes a day with my Rosetta Stone Spanish dvd's - not that I was anything beyond a C student but two years of HS Spanish and two years of college Spanish have gone by the wayside. Rosetta Stone is a great program.

This afternoon I placed the bee escape on the stack. A bee escape is a special piece of equipment that beekeepers use to move bees. Once a bee enters the trap they become confused and can not find their way back to the honey. This is good for the beekeeper, because you can then take the super, extract the frames. The frames should have no bees - so you uncap and then place the frame in the extraction tank. Once in the extraction tank- you spin the honey out (it is nothing more than a centrifuge) - should be pleasant spinning honey on Saturday. Expected high 96 and 90 % humidity.

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