Friday, June 17, 2011

Harvesting the Ross Rounds

After work I met Bobcat Doug - as we are leaving the resturant a guy yells to Bobcat Doug.

. The guy waiving was huge - turns out he was Stephen Jackson of the Bobcats. Thus if you have ever wondered if the players notice the fans - they do notice Bobcat Doug. Thought it was neat that the guy said hello.

Although that was neat it wasnt the highlight of the day - after this interaction I drove to Cloister honey and picked up my botteling and packaging supplies. Once home I decided to harvest the Ross Rounds. The hive produced eight pounds of honey in the round. Once I extract and bottle the remaining honey, I will distribute the hives work.

Pretty jazzed that I kept the bees alive through the winter and they produced honey. I am really looking forward to extraction weekend - I want to know how much honey the hive produced.

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