Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Mailman, Kathy B and two Rebecca's

I failed to mention in an earlier post, that when my sister was in town that her daughter Rebecca suited up and looked in the hive. After a series of email exchangesthis morning with Mr. B , I had decided that I wanted to go looking for the queen and see if the queen excluder was also excluding the other bees. However before I could go check- Mr. B's daughter inlaw (Karen's good friend Kathy) and Rebecca S. stopped by to view the bees. I was in the middle of a conference call and we couldnt get suited up, and they both had places to go so they could not wait for the call to end. When I did get a chance to check the bees, the mailman was at the house and he did come up and look at the bees. he thought they were great!

I did take the queen excluder off as there were only a handful of bees on the otherside of the excluder. The top frames were empty, and no bees where in the top feeder. I did notice that the bees have done some capping work. Still have not seen the queen. Since I have checked them twice in four days, I am going to wait until the new equipment from brushy mtn arrives before I suit up again. I am also going to contact Jim's neighbor (lady at the party) and ask her to stop by this weekend- it will be good to have an experienced beekeeper take a look at the hive. Hopefully she can help Karen and I find the queen.

weather 73 and overcast

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