Friday, June 4, 2010

The Decline of the Honey Bee

This article was in the newpaper earlier in the week. Last year 33% of the honey bee population died, thus farmers are very concerned. I am suprised the Obama hasnt held a press conference declaring his outrage at the honey bees decline and promising to hold hearings until the guilty party is found and fairness is returned to the honeybee. I just finished reading the news and have had my fill of the Obama , Senators, Congressmen and County Commissioners for the day. The fools cant stop spending money they dont have.

Enjoy the article. When I check the hive later this weekend - I will dust for mites. To dust for mites you take powdered sugar and sprinkle it across the frames. The bees become coated with the sugar, mites fall off and the bees lick the sugar and get an additional feeding.

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