Saturday, July 24, 2010

What a Difference a Week Makes

I opened the hive during a break in the TDF coverage (through the 1st time check in the TT, Schleck has closed the gap and the times are even, the next twenty miles should be great). I have also changed my views on attacking during a mechanical issue. - reading and watching comments from several TDF riders gave me a new perspective.

Now to the bees. The bees look good, the frames are wet and the bee are very docile. So docile that I didnt have to use any smoke on them. The seem to prefer the front feeder to the top feeder. The front feeder will need a refill on Sunday. If I had not placed them under such stress, I would let the front feeder go empty and force them to the top feeder, but due to the stress I am going to make their lives easy.

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