Monday, October 18, 2010

A nice weekend

My buddy Jim (the guy who turned 50 and Karen met the beekeper at his birthday party)and I went to Pinehurst for the Pinehurst triathlon. The race is an international distance race (1 mile swim, 30 mile ride, 6.2 milerun) it is by far the hardest course I have ever competed on. This course makes Ironman LakePlacid look easy. When I returned home, I had a great present waiting on me...Honey from NJEB. Eddie had a very succesful first year and was able to extract and bottle honey from his hive.

Now to the bees. I am glad that I treated the hive for mites. I had a TON of dead mites on the IPM board. So medicating the hive was a great thing to do. The bees must have liked it , as they were very calm when I was working the hive on Sunday. Perhaps they where just angry with all of the mites. I did not see the queen, but I really did not look for her. As I was just removing the mite treatments, and spot checking frames. I examined approx a third of the frames, and was pleased. Honey frames still look good for the winter and brood frames also look good. If the weather is nice on Saturday, I have plans to look for the queen.

Beekeeper Earl

P.S. Doug Bradley is now a beekeeper. Doug and I go to church toghter and he is a real estate developer who purchased a old brick building that has a hive living between the brick walls. Once he gets the building stabalized, we are going to get someone fromthe beekeepers association to remove the hive. He and his partners have nicknamed the building the "Beehive"

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