Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bee's in the fall

Finally had a nice day to check the hive, the past days have been very windy, humid and rainy. Not exactly the best weather for a bee - then tonight the weather is supposed to become cool.

The hive looked good. Although I didnt see the Queen K, I did see larve, so she is around and still laying eggs. I could tell that the external food supply is becoming scarce, as one of the honey supers was much lighter, and I saw plenty of bees with their heads in the comb. Mentor John, told me that when you see a bee with her face in the comb, that you are observing a hungry bee eating. I did refill the feeder with a gallon of sugar water - after starving Hive 1.0 I am a little paranoid about ensuring that the bees have plenty of food.

IPM board looked good. The hive beattle population is in check- saw a few but nothing to have me concerned.

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