Monday, April 25, 2011

A New Queen

Since the latest Royal Wedding is nearly upon us, it is fitting that the hive has a new queen. Honestly I do not care about the Royal Wedding and I am uncertain if my hive has a new queen. A few weeks ago I saw capped queen cells, and Sunday two of the cells where uncapped. Strong evidence of succession. The brood chambers have plenty of egg, larve and capped brood (worker and drone). With the exception of not seeing the queen the brood frames look great. As long as I see eggs and larve I am not concerned that I am not seeing the queen.

Honey supers are getting heavy and the ross rounds are becoming packed with honey. I estimate that I have fourty plus pounds of harvestable honey. I did exchange email with John today about the honey harvest- I am going to watch him harvest and will take my frames to his house when he harvests his honey. This saves time as he will already have the club extractor and he can help me extract the frames. I will then bring the honey back to the house for filtering and bottling. Honey harvest should occur in late June/early July.

I also decided to move to a 10 day inspection schedule - the hive is doing great. Since thye are on spring time cruise control, no need for me to bother them.

Finally NJEB received a new hive over the weekend. His orginal hive had grown so aggressive that he could barely enter his back yard. A local beekeeper swapped him hives, hopefully this hive isnt fully of Snookis causing a Sisuation in the NJ mountain side.

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