Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dandelions, Redbuds, and Warm Weather

The common dandelion is a horrible weed that has many a homeowner crazy. Until becoming a beekeeper las spring, the dandelion was just another reminder that the weeds were winning and I would spend more money at HomeDepot. Now the dandelion, tells me that spring is here and pollen is becoming available. I still hate dendelions and other weeds in my yard, but have enjoyed seeing the dandelions popping up around town. The Redbuds are alos popping so soon the bees will have a feeding frenzy, my car will be covered in yellow pollen and I will have a sinus infection due to the pollen.

The bee "truck" continues across they yard at a furious pace of two feet a day.

On a non bee topic - Curlin and Racheal Alexander have "met" hopefully they will have a son and he will wint the Triple Crown in 2014. I tell you all this because it is Derby trail time and we are headed to the Preakness in May. Our Preakness group includes Bobcat Doug and his family, Ricky Bobby and his wife, Our friends the Reids ( I havent given them a nickname yet), and the Girl Scout Cookie Queen of Charlotte. We are going to have a great time.

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