Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Exit?

Weather this weekend was great, the bees where out buzzing around collecting pollen. On Saturday, I did have teh opportunity to open the hive up and take a good look. The supers that we rotated to the top of the stack, are being replensihed with honey and pollen. The new frames ont he outside of the supers are still undrawn. Although the frames are not drawn out, I suspect that it will not take long. The Tulip Poplars in the yard are starting to pop leaves, and the Tulips in the yard will soon flower, thus the pollen season is nearly here. Typicallt I hate pollen season, but this year I am really looking forward to the yellow dust. Pollen makes the bees, happy bees and honey will make the beekeeper happy, and Zythromax will make the beekeeper feel better.

I did see the queen on Saturday. She was in the super that John the Bee Mentor had suspected. Overall the hive looked good. I told the queen, the workers, and the drones that NJEB was coming over this week. He will be in town visiting NCEB. After I told the hive he was coming from NJ, in unision the queen, the drones, and the workers all asked "What Exit?"

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