Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Good Looking Hive

After a an email exchange with NJEB today, I really got the urge to really inspect the hive. The weather was perfect - mid 60's so I suited up and fired up the

smoker. I had not pulled frames in several months, so the dissambly of the hive took some time. The hive really had everything locked down, with proplis (think adhesive caulk). The honey frames stuck to the bottom of the feeder- this took some effort to free. Once I got into the hive it was worth the trouble. The honey frames look good, plenty of honey on the frames. I might have provided the hive with to much sugar syrup over the winter, but I was very concerned about Hive 2.0 suffering the same fate as the beta hive. The one item that did concern me in the honey super was the amount of eggs and larve that I saw in two frames. Thus it might be time to put the queen excluder back on. The honey from this super will not be harvested and will remain for winter feedings (unless the bee mentor tells me to do something else). The brood chambers looked ok, I wanted to see more eggs and larve on them, but during the cold I assume the bees clustered in the middle of the stack. Since I had everything unstacked, I did reverse the order of the brood chambers.

I did not see the queen, but since I saw eggs and larve I know she is still around. Since I will be looking into the hive on a frequent basis, I hope to see her in the future.

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