Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Finally received a shipment notice

I finally received a notice of shipment from Brushy Mountain Bee Supply. I really dont understand why it takes forever and a day to receive a shipment from this company. Since I will pay shipping regardless of who I purchase supplies from, I am going to find a new supply firm. Two weeks to receive a shipment notice is not good.

Refilled the top feeder tonight. Didnt do anything other than fill feeders- didnt even suit up. I am either getting brave or I am just lazy and not that bright tonight. There is increased level of activity outside the hive, now that the entrance reducer has been removed.

The bee mentor told me once I place the honey supers on the stack not to have a sugar water feeder above the honey supers. He said if you have a feeder above the bees will store sugar water in the frames and not nectar.

Tommrow night should be fun. I have a short trip to Montreal- Montreal is a neat city. Very pretty architecture and since everyone speaks french you dont feel like your 120 miles north of the border. Additionally the Canidians are in the playoffs, anytime the Stanley Cup playoffs are in action Canada is excited. If you have never seen Canada in hockey season- just imagine Superbowl Sunday. Every television in the nation is tuned to a hockey game. A co-worker told me to go eat at Schwartz - apparently Montreal is know for its smoked meats. That wasnt in the tourist info when I visited Montreal last spring.

Have a good week.

very warm- 80 and sunny

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