Friday, May 7, 2010

Ross Rounds

The Ross Rounds arrived while I was in Montreal. I will paint them and get them on the hive later today. A few people have asked why "Comb Honey"? Karen and I had not thought of comb honey until we watched the Brushy Mtn video- we dont have a good answer on why - we just thought it looked neat. A few pictures of the roos rounds are attached- very different than a regular frame.

On a non bee topic- I read the book "House of Cards" this week- a book about the collaspe of Bear Sterns. Interesting book, gets a little long at the end. Very different that Paulsons book. When I worked at Microsoft we had a Us against the world mentality, but compared to the Bear Sterns culture that was portraid in the book - MSFT was hugs and kisses with all of Silicon Valley.

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