Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Ton of Honey and an encounter with Paula

I checked on the hive today. The hive looks good, they have stored a lot of honey. Although it is tempting to harvest a little, I am going to leave all of the honey for the hive. They will eat the honey through the winter.

Everything looked good. The hive became excited when I entered the lower chamber and really started flying around.

I will purchase some new equipment later today, as the the top screen has a lot of wax build up, and there is some cracked wood on the chamber.

I am very pleased with how the hive looked, we did have a little dog vs bee encounter today. As one of the bees, stung Paula (my black lab) on the ear. In fairness to the bee, I must tell you that Paula was trying to eat the bee. The bee had made her way to the screened porch and Paula was intrigued by the flying bee and started chomping at the bee. Hopefully Paula has learned her lesson.

Great weather - low humidty and mid 80's .

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