Sunday, August 15, 2010

8:30 on Tuesday

I am back from Libby's house where we looked at the hive I am going to purchase. I was ready to give her the money and put the bees in the Jeep but it didnt work that way. She and Jerry (husband) suggested coming back later in the week as the weather was getting bad, and they wanted to let the foragers return. This is a huge hive, with plenty of capped brood, larve, and food. The frames are plastic. Plastic frames are favored by some beekeepers and disliked by others - Libby and Jerry dislike them thus the reason for selling the complete hive. They acquired this hive by random occurance as an estate executator from SC called them asking if they wanted it. They took the hive on July 4th, and now are looking to find a new beeker fot the hive - thats me. Overall its a great deal for me - $150 and I get a complete hive (2 deep brood supers, and a medium honey super and all of the other items that come with a complete hive). The brood supers are packed with bees. I wish I had stumbled across a deal like this in the spring, my bee packaga alone cost $100.

Libby and Jerry are semi-professional beekeeprs, they had bee gar all over the place and the license plate on their work truck said "Bee Truck". They keep three hives at their house and then have a plot of land where they keep the other hives. They never said how many hives they own but they did say that this year, they harvested 1,000 pounds of honey!

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